Monday, February 11, 2013

Review of 'Let's Meet a Librarian' by Gina Bellisario


Are you curious about dinosaurs? Music? Volcanoes? You're in luck! Mr. Field is a librarian. He knows how to find information about all kinds of cool things. He shows the students in Mrs. Rios's class how to use the library. Let's hear it for librarians! 
**My thoughts**
The book tells the story of a group of kids visiting the library, to find out more about librarians as community helpers. Mr. Field, the librarian, shows them how to use a computer to look up their favorite topics, and the corresponding books available in the library. It also tells about all of the other skills that librarians have (such as technological ones) and different kinds of libraries. I like how it subtly talks about how libraries have special places where it is okay to get loud and have fun, but other places are supposed to be quiet for those who are studying. Little green boxes every few pages add extra facts and definitions of key terms. The end of the book has a book hunt for kids to go on, a list of further reading, and a glossary.
It's simple enough that young children will enjoy it. It provides enough information to appease kids in the lower elementary grades, as well. The pictures are bright and enjoyable. It makes for a good addition to any community helper study.  

Buy the book on Amazon \ Lerner Publishing

Visit author Gina Bellisario's website:

I received a review copy via NetGalley in exchange for my honest thoughts and opinions.

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