We read the Dinosaur Days book that you illustrated for your parents in my class today. The kids loved it and wanted to send you a letter. So, here are some things that they had to say...
~~"I loved the book so much. I used to not like dinosaurs, but now I do like dinosaurs. This is the best book ever. I have that book, but never read it before. I know it is great now." ~~J., boy, age 5 1/2
~~"Thank you for the book." ~~B., girl, age 5
~~"The book was great. I also liked it because I got to learn some different names of dinosaurs."~~N., boy, age 6
~~"I want to send you some rainforest and Africa books that I made." ~~M., boy, age 5
~~"I like the dinosaur book you made." ~~Q., boy, age 4
~~"I liked the T. Rex." ~~M., boy, age 4
~~"I like dolphins and T. Rexes." ~~K., girl, age 3
~~"I like dinosaurs. My favorite one is the velociraptor, because it is the fastest runner." ~~W., boy, age 6
Thank you, so much for the book!
Miss Coventry, Ms. Boltwood, and their class
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If those aren't terrific reviews, then I don't know what is :) Congratulations!