Monday, July 16, 2012

Excerpt from The Labyrinth, a Lima Bear book

The Labyrinth is the fourth book in the Lima Bear series. I can't wait to get back to school to share this installment with my students.


Princess Belinda Bean has just been given the throne by her elderly father, and she is now the Queen and Ruler of Beandom. . Everyone in the kingdom is happy about this except jealous Mean ol' Bean who wants to be King.

After luring Belinda Bean into a tricky labyrinth, Mean ol' Bean runs into a problem. L. Joe Bean, the Wiseman of Beandom, has discovered his scheme! What will happen to the Queen, L. Joe Bean, and Mean ol' Bean?

Excerpt from The Labyrinth:
Oh, Mean ol' Bean
How he did scheme.
To be rid of the Queen
That was his dream.
 About Lima Bear® Press
Lima Bear® Press has a very straightforward mission: to publish children’s stories that are engaging, imaginative, and humorous while each carries an important life message such as tolerance, honesty, courage, etc.

For children who are not yet readers, these stories are an easy read by parents, brothers and sisters, relatives and family friends. Lima Bear® Press strives to make the stories entertaining and meaningful both to those who listen as well as to those who read them aloud.

For children who are readers, the authors crafted the stories, through both text and illustration, so that they are fun to read, while, at the same time, striving to introduce young minds to new expressions and new vocabulary in a way that is readily understood. 

Lima Bear Press feels they will have achieved their mission when they help children who listen to and/or read their books become eager readers throughout their lives. 

In the Lima Bear stories, the basic characters appear and reappear. Each character has a distinct
personality that shines through in every story.

Learn more at Their books are distributed to bookstores and libraries nationwide
by Small Press United (from IPG). Or call 800-888-4741 for more information. 

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