Tuesday, August 13, 2013

'Me Love You' by Hagar & Anat Sal-Man with bonus material!

Check out this book, created by a mother and her children as a way of learning about feelings.

This book is an introduction to the child’s inner world of feelings and emotions, between the age of 2-5. Feelings we all had since the day we were born
●This book is written in rhymes

●The feelings are represented by different colors

●It makes it easier for the parents to talk to their children about feelings ●Feelings of happiness, anger, fear and sadness.

Me-Me is loveable and cute ~ something that makes the child feel connected to him and love him.

Children at those ages are unable to make the connection between feelings, sensations and words. They mostly express themselves through behavior. They do not have the language skills to describe exactly what they are feeling when something goes wrong or if they not receive what they desire.

They express themselves by using:
●Body language.

●Tone of voice.

●Choice of words.

●Facial expressions.

Even though each child is unique in his own way, they all have one thing in common:

All children need their parents' support and understanding. The way the parents react at this stage is crucial.

My intention in this book is to encourage talking and explaining to your child about feelings.

This will enable child to have:
●Positive attitude.

●Self confidence.

●Effective communication skills.

Available on Amazon

~~Free audiobook and video book with purchase~~

I am a family consultant with 20 years experience. Over the years I have met and helped thousands of families.

This book is the first in the “Positive Parenting Happy Kids” collection.

It is very enjoyable for everyone, so simply click on the Amazon icon to access the page and click on the yellow “buy now” button. You can access the free audio book Me Love You version as well.

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