This wonderful children’s book tells the story of two adorable aliens who crash land into a family’s backyard. They meet a young boy, Adam, who promises to help the two find their friends, who were separated from them in the crash. Together, they fly across the world to search for their friends. The three of them travel to many different places, such as Tokyo, Paris, and even the Arctic! Will they find their friends and repair their spaceship?
This adorable tale of friendship is part of the first volume in a series of children’s stories. It is ideal for reading to your children at bedtime or to keep them entertained during a rainy day or on a road trip!
This adorable tale of friendship is part of the first volume in a series of children’s stories. It is ideal for reading to your children at bedtime or to keep them entertained during a rainy day or on a road trip!
~~**Available on Lulu**~~
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